Plumas County Democratic Central Committee By-Laws
Article I. Title
The title of this organization shall be the Plumas County Democratic Central Committee ( herein referred to as the Committee or the PCDCC)
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of the PCDCC is:
- To direct Democratic Party campaign efforts in Plumas County
- To perform duties and services for the benefit of the Democratic Party
- To develop operating policies for the PCDCC
- To participate in the development of the California Democratic Party Platform.
- To increase Democratic registration
- To raise funds throughout the year for campaign and operating expenses
- To recruit candidates for state and local offices
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Membership in the PCDCC shall consist of:
- Persons elected pursuant to Sections 7227 and 7228 of the California Elections Code.
(Note: As of September 2013, this means a total of 21 members: four persons for district 1;
four persons for district 2; four persons for district 3; four persons for district 4; five
persons for district 5.) - Persons appointed by the PCDCC as members.
- Ex officio members selected pursuant to Section 7206 of the California Elections Code.
- Alternates. Each member (as defined by A, B, or C) may designate a person who meets eligibility requirements to represent them in their absence. Alternate members shall have the right to vote only with written authorization of the member who appointed him or her. An alternate member must have the same qualifications as the regular member and may vote only in the absence of the member who appointed him or her. (Section 7208 of the California Elections Code)
- In addition to regular and ex officio members, the PCDCC may appoint Associate Members who will have the same rights as full members, including the right to vote, except in matters specified by the California Democratic Party.
- Associate Members will not be counted for the purposes of a quorum.
Section 2. Qualifications for Election or Appointment
- All members of the PCDCC shall be registered Democrats who are residents of Plumas County.
- To qualify for appointment to the PCDCC, a person must attend two consecutive meetings of the Committee and be approved by a majority vote of the membership prior to the subsequent regular meeting.
Section 3. Resignation
- Resignation is automatic when a member:
- Ceases to be a registered democrat.
- No longer resides in the district which he/she represents.
- Fails to take the Oath of Affirmation within 45 days of election or appointment as required by law.
- Resignation is voluntary when a member:
- Submits a written resignation to the PCDCC.
- Orally resigns at a regular PCDCC
Section 4. Removal
Any member, other than an ex officio member, may be removed from the Committee for:
- Publicly opposing the Party’s endorsed candidate and/or supporting a Candidate of another party.
- Missing three consecutive regularly called meetings for reasons other than illness or temporary absence from the county on the dates of the meetings. (Sections 7213 and 7215 of the California Elections code)
Article IV. Officers
Section 1. The Officers of the Committee shall be:
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Legislative Representative
Section 2. Officers shall be elected:
- At the organizational meeting of the PCDCC.
- By duly elected PCDCC members. (Ex officio and alternate members may vote pursuant to sections 7206 and 7208 of the California Elections Code.)
- For a two year term, with a limit of two consecutive terms at the discretion of the PCDCC.
Section 3. The duties of the officers shall be:
- The Chairperson shall prepare an agenda for each meeting: preside at all PCDCC meetings; sign all necessary papers and documents; be an ex officio member of all PCDCC subcommittees; attend, or send a substitute to all district meetings.
- The Vice Chairperson shall perform all duties of the chairperson during his/her absence.
- The Secretary shall record the minutes of PCDCC meetings; send minutes and agenda to all Committee members prior to each meeting.
- The Treasurer shall receive, record, and deposit all monies; pay bills; retain all financial records; arrange for an annual internal audit.
- The Legislative Representative shall inform the PCDCC of pending legislation that may be of special concern to Plumas County; keep a record of the votes by Democratic Party legislators on such items.
- All officers shall be responsible for maintaining records relevant to their offices, and for turning the records over to their successors.
Section 4: Vacancies
If any officer of the PCDCC dies, resigns, is incapacitated to act, or becomes ineligible for committee membership, a vacancy shall be deemed to exist. Vacancies will be filled using the following procedure.
- The PCDCC Chairperson will notify the membership of the vacancy, inform them that the office will be filled at the next meeting, and specify the date of the meeting.
- The vacant position will be filled by an election in which all PCDCC members who are present at the meeting will be eligible to vote.
Article V. Committees
All subcommittees shall be appointed by the County Chair and approved by the members of the Committee.
Article VI. Dues
Annual membership dues shall be $24.00
Article VII. Quorum
A Quorum shall consist of fifty percent (50%) of the elected and appointed members in matters specified by the California Democratic Party.
Article VIII. Meetings
Section 1. Meetings of the Committee shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 2. The committee, at its organizational meeting, shall select regular meeting dates.
Section 3. Notice of the date, time, and place of the next regular meeting shall be communicated to all members by phone, mail, or email.
Section 4. Notice of emergency meetings shall be given to all members. Actions taken at such a meeting shall be ratified at the next regular meeting.
Section 5. The PCDCC may, by majority vote, limit debate on any issue.
Article IX. Club Charters
Recognizing that the strength of the Democratic Party is dependent on citizen participation, the PCDCC is committed to encouraging the organization of Democratic clubs.
Section 1. Only clubs chartered by this Committee will be recognized as official Democratic clubs.
Section 2. To be chartered, a club must submit a list of its members and officers. All members of voting age must be registered Democrats.
Section 3. A majority vote at any regular meeting is required to grant a charter to any club.
Article X. Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended or revised by any of the following methods:
Section 1. At the organizational meeting of the committee called pursuant to the election code, they may be amended by a majority vote of the members who have taken an oath of affirmation.
Section 2. Any member of the PCDCC may propose an amendment to the bylaws and present it, in writing, at a regular meeting. The Chair will mail a written notice of the proposed amendment to all members at least five days prior to the next meeting. At that meeting, adoption of the amendment will require a 2/3 vote of the members who are present.
Article XI. General Policies
Section 1. The PCDCC endorses the following policy of the California State Democratic Party:
“All public meetings at all levels of the Democratic Party shall be open to all members of the Democratic Party regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, persons with disabilities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or economic status.”